March 2020
Solo Exhibition in New York


The New York show came to be, again, with GAKU’s words, “GAKU show paintings in New York!”. However, having an exhibition in New York does not come cheap.
GAKU’s father and I’m Inc. CEO Norimasa Sato decided to raise the money through crowdfunding.
The paintings they offered in return were so well received, that they reached their goal in just a few days.

GAKU showed about 60 pieces at ‘USAGI NY’, a gallery in Dumbo, Brooklyn. This area is popular among art lovers and USAGI, which also has a cafe, attracts 300 to 400 customers daily, many of whom showed interest in GAKU’s art.
GAKU understood that it was his job to welcome the people who came to see his art, and attended to them by taking pictures and signing books.

At the NY solo exhibition, works were carefully selected that showcase GAKU’s identity and pieces that have a positive energy unique to him.
“Born with a disability, GAKU no doubt has experienced much sadness and disappointment in his life. While those feelings are not unique to individuals with disabilities, all of us feel that way from time to time, one can only imagine the frustration GAKU has felt for not being able to express those emotions.
There are moments when such emotions find their way into GAKU’s paintings, and I call them ‘GAKU’s darkness’.
GAKU’s happiness, joy, sadness, frustration, all of his complex emotions are reflected in his art. I think that the tiny ‘ darkness’ we see amongst the positivity is what makes GAKU’s art even more interesting.” (Coco)

The NY show was a huge success the gallery asked to continue to show 2 of the large size pieces even after the show ended.



NYでは、ブルックリンのダンボというエリアにあるギャラリー「USAGI NY」で、60作品ほどを展示。
このエリアはアートに精通した人が集まる場所であり、カフェを併設しているUSAGI には1日に300~400名ほどの客が訪れるのだが、みなGAKUの作品に興味を持ってくれた。


NY個展は大盛況で、展示が終わった後も、ギャラリー側から引き続き 100号の作品2点を展示させてほしいと申し出があった。